Wowwwwwww, can't believe how fast this year has flown. Already we are at the end of September and roughly in 24 hours it will be October. Soon we need to start thinking about ideas for Halloween nights out and preparing for Christmas, but at the moment that is too much shit to even think about.
At the beginning of the year I said to my mum and sister there are two things I want to achieve for this year - 1) - passing my probation for my new job, 2) - passing my driving test. Currently, I've achieved one of them which I feel the need to pat myself on the back and say helllllllllll yeah, I'm making achievements. Celebrate "good times", said Kool and the Gang. Now my focus for the end of the year is to win that pass for my driving. Nearly everyday I try to encourage myself that I'm gonna smash this win, because I'm close and the improvements are happening, just need to nip those silly mistakes in the bud and focus. FOCUS is the key ingredient to achievements, which is what I try to believe everyday I wake up.
Another task I'm trying to focus on is reducing the amount times I use my debit card and try to budget myself £200 a month, that's £50 a week. My mother's theory of this is anything I don't use in one of the weeks, that money gets carried over to the next week. The average person will automatically think, "hey, I have more money", but think about it, that extra money could go towards something you need for next week, next month or even in the next several months. So that's my mindset at the moment and I'm actually doing well. It's a nice feeling to leave your card at home and make sure you have money in the purse. Plus it stops me from spending money excessively during the week in Starbucks, Sainburys, Boots, all popular shops around me where I work and I'm tempted to take a walk to at lunch time. INSTEAD, I'm making the effort to bring food from home and cut down cost which works out for me in the long-run.
As the title of this post reads "FOCUS is the key Ingredient to Achievements", lately I've been having thoughts and day dreams about igniting my creative side, most people that know me, know that originally I am a Fashion Designer and I love everything about Fashion and product, but today I wont be talking about Fashion. This is about creative writing, which is why recently I have decided to get back into blogging because I'm starting to believe its one of my talents which I can add to under my belt. I love writing even if I'm writing a text to a close friend and we are discussing something personal, I go all out with the long texts and get carried away with offering my advice to them. I suppose I like helping people, its my nature, but I also believe it's bringing a side out of me where I like to express my thoughts and embrace my feelings. So, for next year, I have decided to treat myself to a short course in Journalism. See what I can get out of this baby, as in my head and who knows in the next few years I could be on the way to writing a novel. Well, will see! I'll keep you all posted of my whereabouts.
On the upside, its nice to back on the blogging tip, hopefully this time I will be able to keep it up and entertain.