Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Isolation Lifestyle: What is normal to me?

It has roughly been at least 5 weeks and has almost forgotten what it feels like to live a normal life. My friend said to me the other day, what is normal? You could say it's about conforming or fulfilling an essential nature. 
I didn't know what to say to my friend except, what is natural or normal for me is waking up in the morning, getting dressed in my usual attire, commuting to work, socialising with friends after work for a drink, getting together with the family/friends and having a barbecue, visiting a gallery or a museum, doing your weekly food shopping without having to line up in a queue 2 metres apart from each other and going on amazing holiday trips with your mates. 
In a nutshell, doing what you feel makes you happy. I don't think I can explain any further what normal life is.

Despite the current isolation period we are all experiencing, I have no doubt we will all pull through this depressing time, but there is an advantage to this lock-down as we are going to know ourselves even more. 

We understanding the importance to wash hands thoroughly for 20 secs, lol. I have to laugh at this because I know already how to watch my hands so does the entire population of the planet, but more importantly how to appreciate what we have in our lives such as family, our friends on zoom every other day talking to their friends and so on and so on. 
Let us not forget the friends you gain on social media such as Instagram and Facebook. I would hate to think where we would be without social media, but I reckon we will survive. 

Giving myself an applause for sticking by the lock-down as we speak, it's allowing us to tap into our creative juices and indulge in activities which we would never make the time for such as painting, when was the last time I picked up a paintbrush and paint tray, taking daily walks with mum which has been a blessing every morning or even getting the knitting needles out and the idiot guide on the nightstand to take me through the basics of knitting as I cannot knit for the life of me.

I cannot stress enough how much this is the perfect time to stop, re-evaluate and focus on things so I'm keen to explore and have fun in this difficult time. One thing I have learnt amid these 5 weeks is to appreciate what is around me and to be thankful for friends, family and myself that we have good health. As they say, everything happens for a reason.

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