Monday, 20 July 2020


Nowadays, imagine we live in a world where it’s prominent that unfair justice has been allowed by police officers to kneel on civilian’s heads and necks and think it’s OK because in their eyes they are doing a good deed and taking the crime off the streets, WRONG! And let me tell you why?

One evening last week, I was sitting with my mum in the living room listening to the highlights of the 6pm ITV news and we both came across the incident regarding a UK white police officer felt it was right to apply pressure on the head and neck of a black man who was suspected in possession of an offensive weapon, but the officer was not alone, there was another officer who also helped in restraint of the suspect as he kneeled to the ground shouting the words “Get off my neck”. Luckily, the man had minor injuries to his wrists and neck, as you can imagine, this incident rapidly circulated the whole of social media platform as people voicing their concerns of racial justice.

Now, let’s take a step back and think about this incident logically, none of these police officers took the initiative, no matter what race or gender, to think about the pressure of kneeling on a person’s head and neck could cause fatal injury such as suffocation, plus not to mention it was only a couple of weeks ago the entire world was horrified and disgusted to hear about the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, USA who unfortunately died from the same sort of treatment at the hands of police officers who are supposed to “serve and protect”. This feels like another game of police brutality. Tell me why is this happening again? What is the world coming too, this is not a game! You would have thought the police would have learnt their lesson but not cause more trouble with the black community.

Sources from the MET Police admitted: “this is not what has been taught in training”. From this statement, I want to believe what has been said, but I’m currently having a tough time trusting the MET police as they are imitating the same sort of action which took place in Minneapolis, USA several weeks ago. Yes, we’ve heard the two officers will be scrutinized for their actions and the justice being taken is one officer has been suspended however the other officer has been removed from police duties but no suspension has been taken at this time. Is this right TRUE/FALSE?

In my opinion, more forceful justice needs to be actioned in the future such as officers who are guilty of inflicting police brutality need to be stripped from the police force as effective and immediate. MET Police like this should not be entitled to wear a badge as they are going against everything that was originally taught, the words which the police today need to remember is “SERVE AND PROTECT”. This has been forgotten. Regardless if they caught a suspect, they still should protect him/her and restrain them the correct way instead of causing harm.

Going forward, I cannot stress enough the outrage of the incident, other past incidents which police brutality have been responsible, there are still challenges as a nation we need to work on and face up to and if these incidents keep on happening, it will continue to affect the trust we have in our MET police officers. It makes me think they are NOT trustworthy when it comes to the black community.

In truth, it is important and imperative that the MET police need to review their techniques and tactics concerning to restrain a person no matter what colour or race or we are just repeating history instead of correcting it.


Thursday, 9 July 2020

Feeling Happy at 37 and Full of Energy

In truth, to some people like myself, birthdays are the most special day of your life and we should all celebrate to our heart’s content. Of course, there are always a few people that feel birthdays are a bit “meh”, but it is the one day of the year where we should enjoy, eat, drink and give thanks for living. My special day was two days ago, “happy birthday to me, lol” and I celebrated my 37 years of living on this complicated planet we call Earth.

37 years of eating, crying, drinking, moaning, studying, getting dressed and undressed, I can go on. Despite the trauma, tragedy, violence and frustration, we have all been through, one thing I can give thanks to is the support of my family around me.
In the last 37 years of my life, they have experienced my growth of a young girl running around half-naked in my red boots around the house to a fun-loving woman who wants the opportunity to do everything and anything in this world, literally fly and keep on flying like an eagle, well this is what my gran tells me but I still keep the mentality close to my heart that family comes first.

With that note, on my birthday night, everyone went to bed early, my sister went home early, I sat on my couch and I took a deep breath slowly inhaling and exhaling and my initial thought was its been such an emotional and fun rollercoaster. An experience that if I had the opportunity to turn back time, I would be more than happy to replay all those memories again and not change a thing. All those experiences made me the person; I am today.
I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday, yes I miss going out to restaurants where I don’t need to leave my details but more importantly going on holiday is something my sister and I do every year for our birthday and unfortunately, this year that was not the case but at least we were together celebrating our special days.

Another year older, feeling happy and full of energy, the action I would like to take going forward is putting in the time, energy and improving on my self-doubts and not let it take over my subconscious, call it a little present to myself. This is working progress in this crazy world of chaos, but still, I intend to stay happy, healthy and full of beans.

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